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"Fireworks" by Massimo de Carlo with Muller Van Severen at Fuorisalone

On the occasion of Fuorisalone 2017, Massimo De Carlo presents "Fireworks," a collection of four paravents.

Massimo De Carlo, a famous international Italian gallerist, created the show "Fireworks" for Fuorisalone 2017. This item consists of four screens, designed by Belgian Muller Van Severen and produced by Emaillerie Belge. The screen has the price of being a metal plate exposed, varying in shape and height, and riveted with smalto vetrificato. Mostly it is about MullerVan Severen's constant performance and interacial studio with the space and glioggetti of the cast.

In fact, the screen is defined depending on the space and constant tempo if it is intended in all directions. The result is a burst of color that is perfect, in this case if you hope for vertical sensitivity. The sound composition is astrazioni nello spazio, slabform pulite ed essenziali. And yet the appearance is simple, the screen has a great quality of natural perfection, the result of a very elaborate and fascinating craftsmanship process.

The "Fireworks" show takes place in one of the most unique spaces: the studio of Binocle di Lorenzo Bini architect, which is located in the palace not to be "Cremlino" in via G.Colombo 81. The studio, in the round room, occupies the Tamburo di unadelle du cupola dell'ificio, e plate continues the best trapeziodali offers a sleek view of the city. The collaboration with Massimo De Carlo and Lorenzo Bini, the restaurant, decennale, and the search for a stata ribadita ancora a volta onconcee del Fuorisalone 2017. This is the part that is especially true for the intention to take into account that it is more unimportant and unattractive in Milan. In contrast, the show "Fireworks" was an exploration of the city and at the same time the traditional scene in the usual environment.

Original article: MAMe Magazine (IT)

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